Kirby Characters

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Meta Knight

Name: Meta Knight
Planet: Popstar
Home: Dream Land
Color: Dark Blue
Eye Color: Yellow
Description: Dedede's Royal Knight. Meta Knight away is willing to help Kirby out, but Meta Knight will fight Kirby if his King tells him to.

King Dedede

Name: King Dedede
Planet: Popstar
Home: Dream Land
Color: Blue
Eye Color: Blue
Description: The King of Dream Land. Dedede hates Kirby so much, that he tries to get rid of him for good. But even Dedede needs Kirby's help once in a while.


Name: Kirby
Planet: Popstar
Home: Dream Land
Color: Pink
Eye Color: Purple
Description: Our Little Pink Hero. Kirby Can Copy the Powers of Enemies he sucks up.